Staying Fit On the Fly ✈️

Your Ultimate Guide to Rocking Nutrition and Workouts While Traveling

Today, in 3 Minutes or Less

  • How to stay fly and on track when traveling

  • Mindset of the Day

  • Daily WOD

I don’t know about you, but I travel quite a bit for work and these trips seems to always de-rail my momentum and progress. They are just far enough apart for me to get back into it, then, boom, I’m on a plane, sometimes without a plan and other times, overly planned like a freak. Traveling is a break from routine like all of tempting foods, disrupted schedules, and perhaps, a hotel gym that's less equipped than the home gym setup.

So how do we handle staying fit on the fly for work, vacation or spur of the moment weekend trips?

Confused Orlando Airport GIF by Orlando International Airport (MCO)

6 Hacks For Staying Fit On Travel

Compact Nutrition Kits: Pack nutrition-dense, convenient snacks like protein bars, mixed nuts, or jerky for the actual traveling. These handy snacks are perfect for maintaining energy and not being tempted to eat gas station snacks or airport food (which is expensive and low quality). Also, if your plane is delayed, you got some snacks too!

Focus on Quality Proteins: Lean protein is your travel buddy! Prioritize dishes with high-quality proteins like grilled fish, chicken, or plant-based options. These will keep you full and energized without feeling lethargic.

Plan Ahead: I always like to order in Instacart to my hotel room with the pre-made meals and food that will help me stay on track 80% of the time. Instant rice, pre-cooked chicken and beef, cheese sticks and some fruit will do the trick. Then when I got out to dinner, I fully enjoy the meal without worrying about it.

Use Hand Measurements: Depending on your goals, you may want to bring a travel scale, which I’ve done before when I’m working towards a specific training goal. If you are just trying to stay on track or are in maintenance mode, hand measurements is an ideal option.

Hydration is Key: Keep a water bottle handy at all times. Staying hydrated helps control hunger, maintains energy levels, and ensure your metabolism is firing on all cylinders.

Walk It Out: Explore new cities on foot (when it’s safe)– it’s a fantastic way to stay active, soak in the sights, and sneak in some extra steps.

Quick Hotel Workouts: No gym? No sweat! A 15-20 minute HIIT session in your hotel room can do wonders. Keep it intense and quick – perfect for a busy travel schedule.

Daily Mindset

A well-deserved getaway can be a powerful catalyst for rejuvenation, inspiration, and renewed vigor in our pursuit of wellness and personal ambitions. If your vacay pulls you from your routine, don’t beat yourself up. Enjoy the trip and get back on track when you are home.

Think about how a continuous grind without breaks might be affecting your motivation and energy levels. Have you been pushing so hard that your daily routines have become more of a chore than a choice? How can a vacation or stay-cation provide that much-needed space to breathe, reflect, and reignite your passion?

Work Out Of The Day

With Equipment

Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets of):
Front Squat x 3-4 reps

Goal is to increase load

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
75 Kettlebell Swings
50 Wall Ball Shots

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – Pull-Ups x 3-4 reps
Minute 2 – Farmers Carry x 25 yards each arm (25-35lb dumbbell)

Without Equipment

Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets of):
Jumping Lunges x 10-15 reps

Goal is to increase reps each set

For time:
Run 800 Meters
75 Backpack Kettle Swing (get a backpack, 1 gallon jug or something you can swing like a kettle bell)
50 Thrusters with your backpack or jug

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Minute 1 – Push-Ups x 10-15 reps
Minute 2 – Farmers Carry x 25 yards each arm with two water jugs

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