Mindset Over Matter

Win at life by winning in the gym

Hey Barbellah,

Today, in 90 Seconds

  • How wins in the gym, help you win at life

  • Mindset of the Day

  • Daily WOD

I want to share a personal journey that reshaped my understanding of potential, hard work, and how the lessons we learn in one area of our lives can profoundly impact others. For most of my life, I believed that certain feats of strength, like doing a real pull-up, was something I’d never be able to do. Somehow, this just became part of my identity: I was simply not that kind of person.

But, as with many of life's greatest lessons, this belief was there to be challenged. It took two years of consistent, dedicated practice, but the moment I completed my first solo pull-up marked more than just a physical achievement. It symbolized a mental breakthrough, an understanding that 'impossible' is often just a temporary state, and our effort and persistence can redefine it.

The thing is, this is not confined to the gym. It spilled over into other areas of my life, especially in tackling challenges that once seemed insurmountable. If I could conquer the pull-up, what else could I achieve with the right mindset and dedication?

Applying Gym Lessons to the Workplace

  1. Set Incremental Goals: Just like in the gym, where progress is made one lift at a time, set small, achievable targets in your work. Celebrate these milestones to maintain motivation and a sense of achievement.

  2. Consistency over Perfection: Consistency is key, both in fitness and professional endeavors. Regular effort, even in small doses, accumulates and leads to significant results over time.

  3. Challenge Your 'Limits': Just as I learned with the pull-up, our self-imposed limits are often just perceptions. Challenge them. Take on projects that scare you a bit, and you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

  4. Recover and Reflect: In the gym, rest days are crucial for growth. Similarly, in the workplace or other domains, take time to reflect on your achievements and learn from your experiences. Think about where you started and how far you have come. Don’t compare yourself to the ideal. The saying “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars” is powerful if you really think about it.

  5. Find Your 'Spotter': In the gym, a spotter supports you to lift heavier and go beyond your comfort zone. In your career, find mentors, colleagues, or friends who can offer guidance, support, and a different perspective.

  6. Celebrate Successes: Just as you'd celebrate a new fitness milestone, celebrate your professional achievements. It boosts morale and encourages a positive mindset.

  7. Maintain Flexibility: Adaptability is as important in your career as it is in a well-rounded fitness regime. Be open to new methods, ideas, and changes in direction.

  8. Track Progress: Keep a log of your professional achievements and challenges just as you would track your workouts. This helps in recognizing patterns, progress, and areas needing improvement. One of my favorite books that helps to put this into perspective is The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Hardy. This book embodies shooting for the Moon!

The journey from believing a pull-up was impossible to achieving it taught me a crucial life lesson: the boundaries of our capabilities are often much farther than we imagine. This mindset, once unlocked in the gym, can become a powerful tool in all facets of life, especially in our careers and relationships. Here's to lifting more than just weights – to lifting our spirits, ambitions, and potential! 🥂

Daily Mindset: Building Mental Muscle

Just as we train our bodies, we can train our minds. Think about how the discipline and persistence we apply in physical training can directly translate to mental strength and resilience in all areas of our lives.

Treat your brain like a muscle. Every challenge you overcome in the gym is not just a physical victory but a mental one. Each rep, each mile, each pull-up you complete strengthens not only your body but also your mental fortitude. This mental muscle, much like your physical ones, needs regular exercise to grow stronger.

Reflect on a recent workout where you felt you pushed your limits. Maybe it was the day you finally achieved a new personal record, or perhaps it was simply the day you showed up when you felt like staying home.

Recognize that in these moments, you were training more than just your body; you were training your brain to handle adversity, to persevere through discomfort, and to commit to your goals.

Today, approach your tasks – whether at work, in personal projects, or in your relationships – with the same mentality you bring to a challenging workout. When you encounter a difficult problem or a daunting task, treat it like a heavy set in the gym. Take a deep breath, focus, and remind yourself that you are capable of more than you think. Break down the task as you would a workout: into smaller, manageable sets or steps. And most importantly, believe in your ability to complete it.


"I am building my mental strength every day. The discipline and resilience I show in my workouts are the same qualities that lead to success in every other aspect of my life."

Just as regular physical exercise transforms your body, it also reshapes your mind. Each day is an opportunity to strengthen this mental muscle, to approach life's challenges with the same determination and resilience you show in the gym. Remember, the strength you build during your workouts is not just physical; it's a mental strength that will carry you through life's many challenges.

Work Out Of The Day

With Equipment WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches
5 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
5 Toes to Bar
Rest 3 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five sets.

With NO Equipment WOD:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
10 Kettle Bell/Milk Jug Swings
5 Burpee Jump to Target
5 V-Ups
Rest 3 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five sets.

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